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Public opening hours

Summer hours – April 1st to Octobre 31st

Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed on Mondays


Winter hours – Novembre 2nd to January 12th

Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays


We are closed on the following bank holidays: January 1st, May 1st, November 1st, December 25th

The museum remains open to the public on the other bank holidays not cited above, according to the regular opening days and hours.

The ticket office closes 30 minutes prior to the closing of the museum.


Nogent-sur-Seine is located in the Aube département in the Champagne region. The entrance of the Camille Claudel Museum is at 10 rue Gustave-Flaubert.

Coming by train

Nogent-sur-Seine SNCF station is barely one hour from the Gare de l’Est station in Paris.

The Camille Claudel Museum is ten minutes on foot from the railway station.


Coming by car

Located 1 hr 20 mins from the French capital, the Musée Camille Claudel benefits from major trunk roads linking Nogent-sur-Seine with Paris via the A5 motorway (exit no. 18), Troyes via the D619 secondary road (1 hr), Reims via the D951 (1 hr 45 mins), Sens via the D939 (45 mins) and Provins via the D619 (20 mins).


Free parking spaces are available at the Parking Fournier car park (1 Rue Paul Fournier, 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine) and at the church car park in the town centre.


Le rêve

Le rêve

Le rêve

1912 H. 55 cm • L. 41 cm • Pr. 24 cm N° of inventory : 2010 Copyright : musée Camille Claudel, Marco Illuminati

Voir aussi dans les collections :

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After 1897 H. 55 cm • L. 41 cm • Pr. 24 cm N° of inventory : 2015 Copyright : musée Camille Claudel, Marco Illuminati

Signed A. Boucher E. Muller

Voir aussi dans les collections :

The Bavardes or the Loveseats

 The Bavardes or the Loveseats  The Bavardes or the Loveseats

The Bavardes or the Loveseats

1893-1905 H. 32 cm • L. 34 cm • Pr. 24 cm N° of inventory : 2010.1.17 Copyright : musée Camille Claudel, Marco Illuminati




1902 H. 38,5 cm • L. 38,6 cm • Pr. 23 cm Origin : Camille Claudel Nogent-sur-Seine Museum N° of inventory : 1902.270 Copyright : musée Camille Claudel, Marco Illuminati

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

1895 H. 83,5 cm • L. 70,5 cm • Pr. 33,5 cm Origin : Camille Claudel Nogent-sur-Seine Museum, purchase in 1999 N° of inventory : 1999.2 Copyright : musée Camille Claudel, Marco Illuminati

Au but

Au but Au but

Au but

1886 H. 45,8 cm • L. 69 cm • Pr. 35 cm Origin : Camille Claudel Nogent-sur-Seine Museum, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. N° of inventory : 1994.2 Copyright : musée Camille Claudel, Marco Illuminati


Aurora Aurora


Circa 1900-1908 H. 32,5 cm • L. 27,2 cm • Pr. 31 cm Origin : Camille Claudel Nogent-sur-Seine Museum, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. N° of inventory : 2010.1.13 Copyright : musée Camille Claudel, Marco Illuminati