Alfred Boucher, from studio to museum
Exposition temporaire

Alfred Boucher, a renowned artist showered with honours and commissions in his day, is largely unknown today. The exhibition Alfred Boucher, de l'atelier au musée pays tribute to the sculptor who was Camille Claudel's first teacher, as well as a collector and philanthropist. The exhibition brings together some 130 works - sculptures, paintings, drawings and ceramics - that Alfred Boucher donated to the town of Nogent-sur-Seine at the dawn of the 20th century, a collection taken from the museum's reserves and entirely restored for the occasion. Inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the intimacy of Boucher's studio, the scenography is freely inspired by the jumble that reigned there, known thanks to a series of stereoscopic photographs.
Practical information
Place :
Billet d’entrée collections permanentes et exposition temporaire :
Plein tarif : 10 euros
Tarif réduit : 6 euros (seniors de plus de 60 ans et titulaires d’une carte de famille nombreuse)
Gratuit pour les étudiants et les moins de 26 ans, les titulaires du Pass Education, d'une carte de presse, d’une carte du ministère de la Culture, d’une carte ICOM, les adhérents à la maison des artistes, les demandeurs d’emploi, les bénéficiaires du RSA ou du minimum vieillesse, les mutilés de guerre et accompagnateur, les visiteurs handicapés et accompagnateur